

Monday, August 12, 2013


Okay, so now it's time for the NY update! 

Wow, there is waaaaaay too much to write, but I'll do my best. So first of all, here is a funny story. Apparently I can prophesy death!! We had this inactive member that we did service for who is diabetic and his body is falling apart and he is miserable. He talked about how God doesn't seem to love him and he would rather just die and that he is considering suicide. Well, I tried to share some scriptures to uplift his spirits and I promised him that God loves him. Then, I felt inspired to promise him that he had something good coming. I said it a few times with such surety, even though I really didn't want to promise that to such a hopeless situation. Well, guess what....Webbie went to the hospital and died, but they resuscitated him! We all felt bad for him, because he was probably pretty mad to be alive (he has died and come back a few times). I was feeling pretty guilty, because I had promised him something good and now just look what happened! Then, the next day, we were talking about how I felt guilty and when I walked out of the bathroom, they said Webbie died. Honestly all we could do was laugh because it was such a  weird situation, and I couldn't quite decide if my promise had come true or not, haha, but I'm pretty sure that death was the best thing for Webbie. Now he can be free of mortal pains. So there you have it, I'm a prophetess! 
Okay, here's another one. So the F___s are this crazy couple who just joined the church and they are so great and sincere.....and really loving the church welfare system haha. We had dinner at their house, compliments of the church, which they love telling us with a smile. They really love and appreciate how much the church has blessed and changed their lives. So, anyway, Sister F___ was talking about her family and then explained that her brother was married to their first cousin!! I guess it's legal in Massachusetts. The best part is that she thought it was perfectly fine because it was legal there....not strange at all. ahhhh!! We all tried our best to act natural when she told us that, but all I could think of was children running around with 11 toes. They are such sweet people, just a little different and naive I guess. 

So, we have some awesome investigators. Dominique is staying with her grandma and in her 20s. She is such a deep thinker and loves discussing life and religion with us, but she thinks in these huge circles and always comes back to how Buddhism also brings us to enlightenment, so how do we know what is right. We keep trying to explain that the fact that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the whole truth and doesn't negate the good things about other religions. She worries me though, because  her thinking reminds me a little of myself with the way she goes on these crazy tangents and gets really deep. Sometimes I think its a miracle I didn't think myself out of a testimony. We will see though. I have hope for her that God will touch her mind like he has touched her heart. 

We also have a super sweet investigator in assisted living who is a hoarder. So, we helped her clean her apartment for about two hours and she kept calling us angels. Jenny, you would have loved this activity, haha. We got to clean and organize and really turn her place around. She is so faithful and has a love for God. I think she is going to be easy, honestly, because she has such a believing heart. I really admire her courageous faith. She has deformed fingers and body and had cancer and two heart surgeries, but she assures us that God has always watched over her, even while homeless for a bit. Wow, so humble!! She is awesome and so sweet.

The B family is really struggling. Gary has totally relapsed and only seems to care about drugs and girls again. Its super hard on the family, especially Jerry (the brother who holds everything together). They love having us over though, and are always uplifted by our message. I can tell that Jerry is really gaining new hope and feeling  better when we come over. Sister B is about to give up though, and her cancer is getting worse. I really love this family. Please pray for them. Please pray that they will stop being angry at God so that he can comfort their wounded hearts. 

I'm realizing that church attendance is sooooooo important. The ward is EVERYTHING. We don't go to church just to take the sacrament. That's what I always thought and everything else was just fluff. But now I know that a ward is a family. We keep tabs on each other. We support and serve each other. A calling gives us purpose and more opportunity to grow. If we want to bring more into the fold, we must have the ward involved, because friendship and fellowship must exist within the ward family. God wants us all to be missionaries. Remember: "feed my sheep". Try to find ways to serve one another, both within the church and outside of it. I'm realizing that everyone's purpose in life is to take care of one another and be somebody's somebody, not romantically, just in general.

Okay gotta run. I love yall sooooooo much. Write Me!!...if you want.....but do....okay :)

Sister Huntington