

Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Pictures

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Wow, okay so can I just say, it was incredible to talk to ya'll on Christmas. Just the very best :) Sperry and I went home and just smiled for the whole night. It made you guys feel so much closer to me, like you really were just one phone call away. You all just looked so wonderful and happy and that made me so happy :) Best Christmas present ever. 
 I hope Amanda liked the boxing glove hahaha. 
Oh speaking of packages, you know how you asked me if I needed anything and I was like...No....well I actually thought of some stuff if you ever have the fancy to send another. I know they are expensive though so no pressure. A few ideas though: Kings Hawaiian bread. Delicious, and one of the few things that doesn't melt :)
Good pens. they don't have those here.You know the Pilot G-2 kind....colors please.
Pics and more pics! Oh and a new journal would be so awesome Dad. I'm running out of room (be proud) and it turns out they don't have cool journals here. What's that all about? All they want is American stuff haha.  Okay those are just some ideas. 

I got a package!!!! woohoo. It was from Sister Perry and at first, I gotta be honest, I was super confused, but then I opened it up and realized that the wonderful YW had sent me all kinds of cards and goodies and oh my, I cannot even tell you how wonderful it was..especially the Reese's. You might find this disgusting, but I ate them all in one day...I'll explain in a moment haha. Anyhoodles, thank you all the Young Women!!!! It was incredible to hear from you and it made me and my comps Christmas. My comp almost cried because she had prayed for Bath and Body Works soap lol. So, you done good. Thank you times a million!

Okay, so here's some updates on my life. First of all, I'll explain why I ate nothing but Reese's for a day. First off, they don't exist here, so they are a coveted delicacy. Second of all, we found out what is wrong with us in regards to our sickness......we kinda sorta might have worms. Bleh! Yeah, so there are currently little bugs living inside of our guts!!! It's been quite the journey trying to figure out what was wrong with us, but I gotta be honest, I was thrilled to find out I wasn't just becoming the laziest person ever with a disturbing love for chocolate and sweets. So yes, that is why I lived off of Reese's for a day. The worms made me do it! Don't worry, we are taking medicine right now, so that should take care of the problem and that's all I will say about that lol. BUT get this, we finally found out our problem and were going to get better and THEN...I got mango face haha. So it was back to bed with a big red allergy face. I guess God just really wants us to learn how to rest. Oh man, I just want to work again, but I am learning a lot about what it means to rest. That is for sure. Right now, S and I are learning how to rest, how to trust God, how to love ourselves and most important, how to find joy in every moment, even in trials. As our President said, if God needed the rocks to preach the gospel, he would have them do it, but he wants US to learn how to trust and rely on him. 

I'm out of time, but I just want to share a part of a poem that I read and loved by TS Eliot. It says: 

Where is the Life we have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?

As missionaries, we get really good at keeping busy, but we often forget how to be still. 
As missionaries, we get really good at finding our faults and seeking to improve, but we often forget how to love ourselves in the process.
More important than what we DO is what we ARE....and we ARE children of God. He already loves us perfectly. He sees us as we are and will help us to improve. Trust in Him a little more. Love yourself a little more. We are told to love others as we love ourselves, but if we don't love ourselves, then how are we to fully love others? I'm still working on not beating myself up  every second, but recognizing that I am WORTHY of love is the first step. You are all incredible. Remember to be still and see the beauty around you. Remember that you are allowed to love yourself, that God wants us to, and that if we refuse to recognize our worth, its like telling God He made a piece of junk....which I don't think He would appreciate too much. 

Thanks for EVERYTHING and all the people who sent me things. Jenny, the Shepherds, Grandpa, the Young Women, and anyone else that I just haven't received yet. You are all angels!

Sis Hunny